The effects of global challenges such as the corona pandemic, climate change, migration and social inequality manifest themselves on the local level and can lead to tensions and conflicts between different groups of civil society or with authorities such as the municipal administration, police and local politicians. In these often complex conflict constellations, there is an increasing demand for approaches dealing constructively with local conflicts in order to lay the foundations for a peaceful and inclusive coexistence.
The forumZFD web conference is aimed at actors and organizations who already work actively in the field of conflict resolution on the local level in their respective country, or who are planning to do so. During the conference, Local Conflict Counselling, a systemic approach developed and implemented by forumZFD since 2006, with a focus on intercultural challenges, is presented, and a platform is provided for mutual exchange on further approaches, concepts and experiences in conflict resolution on local level in different countries.
To register (until November 21, 2021), please click here.
The conference is part of forumZFD's project "Local Conflict Counselling - conflicts as a chance for sustainable integration". This project is funded by the European Commission's Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and the Federal State of Lower Saxony.