After the devastating explosion in the port of Beirut, helping vulnerable groups such as children and youth to cope with the traumatic experience was one main focus of forumZFD. This is why we decided to give a share of the donations to Seenaryo, a leading specialist in theatre and play-based learning with children, youth and women from marginalized communities in Lebanon and Jordan.

Together with the Amel Association, another Lebanese NGO, Seenaryo conducted theatre workshops for children in Haret Hreik, a neighborhood on the southern outskirts of Beirut. The young participants, aged 8 to 14, had diverse social backgrounds and nationalities: Lebanese, Syrian and Sudanese. The children who participated do not live close to the port, however were strongly affected by the blast. Many of them were already traumatized by previous wars, some fled to Lebanon seeking refuge, and the explosion triggered these painful memories. Further, the children suffer from the deteriorating living conditions in Lebanon due to the political and economic crises the country currently faces, with Covid-19 adding feelings of fear and isolation.

In spring 2021, Seenaryo and Amel Association conducted eight workshops. The children met with experienced trainers on a weekly basis. Due to the pandemic, the activities had to take place online. During the workshops, the young participants playfully increased their performing skills and learned how to express their thoughts and feelings through body language and acting. “When I did theatre before I was very shy. Now I am not shy at all”, one participant shared. “I learned how to accept other opinions”, said another one. The highlight of the project was the online theatre festival titled “Zoom to the Moon” on 6th and 7th May 2021, when the kids proudly presented the videos which they produced during the workshops to their families, friends and the wider public. More than 3000 people watched the presentation, which you can find here:

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