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Researcher for Exploratory Study on Media in Mindanao


For its Exploratory Research Study on the context and practice of Conflict Sensitive Journalism, forumZFD's Davao team invites applications from researchers to head the study and support the conceptualization of an exploratory project on 'CSJ in Practice for Early-Career Practicing Journalists and Media Editors.
CSJ stands for conflict-sensitive journalism
© forumZFD / CSJ Caravan

Objectives of the Study

The aim of this Exploratory Research Study is to understand the contexts of the media outfits, the profile of the journalists, and the state of CSJ in Mindanao. The main purpose is to identify the media outfits’ needs, challenges, capacities, and opportunities, particularly from the perspective of junior media practitioners and media managers/editors, which will form the basis for the development of the new project on Conflict Sensitive Journalism in Practice for Early-Career Practicing Journalists and Media Editors.

Since 2013, forumZFD, in collaboration with other organizations and CHED RO XI, has endeavored to systematically integrate Conflict Sensitive Journalism as an academic subject/course in various communication programs in schools in Region XI, as pre-service training and as an enhancement of the current journalism training and practice. The underlying motive is to support future media practitioners (students) to adapt a conflict-sensitive lens before they graduate.

A new direction was introduced in October 2019 when forumZFD and its partners from the Peace and Conflict Journalism Network (PECOJON) and the Media Educators in Mindanao (MEM) came together to strategize the next steps for the CSJ project. PECOJON is an international network of journalists mainstreaming conflict sensitive journalism to promote high quality reporting, while MEM is a collective realization of Mindanao media educators to create a space where they can share information related to their practice. One of the results of that visioning process was the realization that there should be a significant group of journalists/editors/leading outlets who are actively using CSJ in their news production policies and stories. The subsequent discussions during this strategic meeting highlighted the need to empower and work closely with junior media and with media institutions where they belong.

As such, this project with junior media practitioners and media editors builds on forumZFD’s CSJ project with academic institutions by catering to journalists engaged in different forms of media. The project will prioritize collaborating with former students of CSJ who are now working in media outfits. The exploratory study will focus on 30 junior media practitioners and media managers/editors who are new to CSJ framework, as a sample size to determine the state of CSJ in Mindanao.

Preferred Qualifications

  • At least 4-5 years of relevant professional experience in research;
  • Very good experience working with media outlets in Mindanao;
  • Very good knowledge on the media landscape, conflict sensitive journalism, peace journalism, and other related topics;
  • Awareness of relevant issues such as confidentiality and research ethics; and
  • Ability to deliver within set deadlines
  • Preferably from Mindanao

The Task

After several peace education projects, some of which are still ongoing, forumZFD is seeking the services of a local researcher to support the conceptualization of the exploratory project on Conflict Sensitive Journalism (CSJ) in Practice for Early-Career Practicing Journalists and Media Editors

The tasks will be the following:

  1. Collect data on the junior media practitioners, media editors, and their respective media outfits, particularly their basic profile, contact details, and knowledge and experience in CSJ.
  2. Collect and analyze data from at least 30 junior media practitioners and media editors, particularly their needs, challenges, capacities, and opportunities related to the use of CSJ in their work
  3. Generate a comprehensive report from the results of the research, containing the background of the research, its objectives, methodologies, the results of the research, elaboration and analysis of the findings, and recommendations for the direction and possible activities of the project

The researcher will work closely with forumZFD to develop and implement the workplan and methodology for the research.


  • A detailed research report clearly highlighting the needs, challenges, capacities, and opportunities of the media outfits in adapting CSJ into their work.
  • Recommendations for the forumZFD project team in terms of strategies, approaches, potential partners and activities in the JM project;
  • A final report that will contain the necessary amendments to the research after the research results have been validated by the respondents and discussed with forumZFD.


The following is expected from the researcher:

  • Finalize the Exploratory Research Study’s action plan and timetable, together with forumZFD, and use it as basis for conducting all research activities.
  • Communicate with respondents from media outfits to ensure the timeframe will be met
  • Arrange interviews and survey with relevant stakeholders, with the assistance of forumZFD.
  • Regularly consult and update forumZFD about the process of the study.
  • Disseminate the validated finalized research report to the respondents.

forumZFD will provide the following:

  • Provide input during the initial phase and execution for the Exploratory Research Study.
  • Give access to relevant project documentation.
  • Supply the initial contact details of stakeholders to be contacted for the research.
  • Reimbursements, upon receipt and prior approval, of travel costs in the framework of the research
  • Provide and give access to an online folder in which to upload all research files and documents
  • Provide and give access to a Big Blue Button account and/or Zoom account for the interviews with media outfits.

 Duration: 3 months (November to January)



Find the full Call for Applications here.

For clarifications on the task and the process, research applicants are welcome to contact the Project Manager of forumZFD Davao Team, Maya Flaminda Vandenbroeck.

Please send your applications by 30 October 2020 to Maya Flaminda Vandenbroeck and copy furnish both Gabs Sagaral and  Frances Lozano.

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