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Western Balkans programme has 3 core projects planned for the upcoming programme period.
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Youth and Peace Educational Actors

Youth and Peace Educational Actors brings together youth from throughout the Western Balkans region and works with them in and through different formal and non-formal educational settings to help them explore peace-building topics and their own visions for peace. By supporting the development of materials and pedagogy, and through training, mentoring and exchange, teachers and other educational actors will develop different tools and approaches to fostering an inclusive environment for these youth, encouraging them to reach out to their peers and communities as change-makers. 

Media and CSOs

Media and CSOs focuses on building strong partnerships with media organizations and CSOs to encourage and support them, and to promote multi-perspective and fact-based information through training, mentoring, strengthening the wider media environment. The project also provides safe spaces (including Balkan.Perspectives and the Dealing with the Past website) for conflict sensitive content on challenging subjects such as transitional justice to be developed and shared, and for historical revisionism, war crime denial and hate speech to be countered.

Research, Arts and Culture

Research, Arts and Culture uses research and artistic production to explore sensitive topics and the stories of the most marginalized, to promote a culture of dialogue throughout the Western Balkans. By using a range of approaches including more traditional ones such as publications and exhibitions, alongside film festivals, digital tools, sound, street art etc. the project aims to reach wider audiences and also to support new groups of artists and cultural actors to include these themes in their work.

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