Call for Applications - Development of Self-Paced Online Courses for forumZFD

Peace sign call for tenders
© forumZFD

Call for Applications - Development of Self-Paced Online Courses for forumZFD

Background of forumZFD

Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst e.V. (forumZFD - Forum Civil Peace Service) supports people involved in violent conflicts on the path to peace and strives to help overcome war and violence.

forumZFD is currently working with peace consultants in Germany, as well as eleven other countries in Europe, the Middle East and South East Asia. Its Academy for Conflict Transformation offers a learning space for professional, international peace work. Through dialogue events, educational work and campaigns, forumZFD actively advocates civil peace policy.

forumZFD is recognised by the German federal government as a member of the Civil Peace Service (CPS) consortium. It finances its work through public and private grants, donations and membership fees.

Background of the assignment

Since 2016, forumZFD has been developing its PMEL systems and processes across its global programmes. The approach is grounded in thorough conflict analysis, with emerging strategies developed through an outcome mapping approach. 43 self-paced online training modules (Systemic Conflict Analysis, Outcome Mapping and Do No Harm) were developed to support the training of staff in these concepts and approaches and these have been delivered to around 40 staff across the organization.

forumZFD plan to continue to offer course modules in these 3 topics (Systemic Conflict Analysis, Outcome Mapping and Do No Harm) to staff across its programmes, working in a range of different roles, but have conducted a review and are now looking to update and refresh the training offered to better meet current needs and context. 

The current approach of the training is:

  • An online kick-off meeting to present the modules, expectations and commitment needed, answer questions etc.
  • Approximately 10 hours of self-paced online learning over a period of around 2 months, including reading materials, videos, practical exercises, exchange between participants and trainer through online chat functions etc.
  • An option of submitting the results of a specific practical activity or a short, written assignment to get a formal certificate of completion.
  • A half-day online forum bringing all training cohort together for final discussion, debrief and reflection on the learning.

Expectations & Scope of Training

It is anticipated that this broad approach will remain largely unchanged. Due to the geographical spread of staff, the courses must continue to be offered online, with a mixture of self-paced work and trainer input, which has proved popular and effective. Other additional ideas on the format are also welcome in the proposal. However, the review has highlighted that, as well as theoretical content and exercises, the modules should also consider more clearly, how to support forumZFD teams to apply the approaches practically in their work, both on a programme and a project level. Therefore, the following changes to the modules are proposed for the next round of training:

  • Development of training content to ensure that case studies and examples are practical and relevant to the contexts and types of projects implemented by forumZFD programmes.
  • A greater role for the Programme PMEL Advisors in the training, to enable them to lead efforts to embed the approaches within their programmes more effectively (this may require additional TOT modules to be developed and co-facilitation approaches to be embedded in the delivery).
  • Additional focus on the monitoring, evaluation and learning aspects of the PMEL system either through existing modules or the development of a new module.
  • Consideration of how to ensure that crucial approaches such as conflict sensitivity and cross cutting topics (this might include gender and inclusion and trauma sensitivity, human rights) are embedded into both the training and the approaches shared. 
  • Consideration of how the principles of the training can be implemented and lived across all staff and all areas of work in the organization, not only in programme delivery. 
  • The modules should be self-standing so that teams can sign up for one or multiple modules as per their needs. 

To enable this approach, the recruitment approach for the trainings will also change and rather than individual staff members joining the training, the modules will be delivered to specifically identified groups of staff from Head Office, or from a country or regional programme, including directors, programme and project managers and officers, and administrative and finance staff. This approach will enable the teams to work together, supported by the PMEL Advisor, on the self-paced learning exercises, and use the training to support the practical application of the approaches to their everyday work. Depending on the capacity of each training cohort, and the number of staff in a particular programme group, more than one group may participate in a training cycle.

Timeline and Timings

forumZFD hope to be able to relaunch the delivery of these modules from 2025 till 2027, and to be able to offer the training to groups of staff across the organization as both introductions to the concepts and approaches, and as refreshers. 

Profile and eligibility criteria of the trainer

  • At least 5 years experience in implementing PMEL approaches in peace and conflict transformation programmes and projects (especially, Systemic Conflict Analysis, Outcome Mapping and Do no Harm) together with partner organisations.
  • Experience in facilitating virtual and on demand self-paced training (at least 5 concrete examples to be mentioned), including participatory and creative methods.
  • Concrete examples to show ability to elaborate videos / media which are included in the self-paced course.
  • At least 5 years experience working with international and intercultural teams and NGOs.
  • Knowledge about the Civil Peace Service and its work in general is an advantage.
  • Fluent in English.

Submission of proposals

Interested applicants are invited to submit their CVs along with an expression of interest (in English) which should include:

  • Experience in the technical areas outlined.
  • A proposal, including timelines, days of work, expectation of forumZFD staff involvement etc. for the approach to the development of the modules. 
  • An outline of the proposed delivery approaches and methodology you would apply to the training, and an expected timeline for the delivery
  • Budget for the development of the modules and for the ongoing delivery for the next 3 years.

For further information, you may contact Inga Gründel ( Please apply online by November 03, 2024.

Further information about our organization and our assignments can also be found on our website English information about our programs is provided under 

End of Job Application

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