
forumZFD is an International Non-Governmental Organisation (INGO), established in 1996. We are working in the field of conflict transformation in eleven countries in Europe, the Middle East and South East Asia. Get more detailed information about our organisation.

forumZFD in Israel and Palestine

forumZFD opened its first international office in East Jerusalem in 1999.  Ever since, we work closely with diverse local partners, from Haifa to the South Hebron Hills, from Ramallah to Tel Aviv, from grassroots organizations and activists to women organizations and art collectives. What all our partners have in common is that they share a vision to overcome fragmentation and to promote inclusive narratives.

For us, it is important to build long-term, eye-level partnerships with local civil society organizations that are based on mutual trust. When working with partners, we always take time to see if their needs and interests align with our resources and strategy. In some partnerships, we offer process-related consultations drawing on our expertise in organizational development, non-violent communication, and strategic movement building. In other projects, we team up with our partners and implement activities together. In the past, such projects included the development of nonviolent action campaigns, producing educational materials, facilitating workshops, organizing conferences, and conceptualizing art exhibitions. 

In all our work with partners - whether as part of a specific project or as external consultants - we strive for sustainability. For forumZFD this means that over time, our role in the project decreases, and eventually the ownership lies fully with our partners.

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Regional Office

Forum Civil Peace Service (forumZFD)
P.O. Box 31792, Jerusalem


p: +972 (0)2 6722786