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forumZFD Finds Hope in Commitment to Restart Peace Talks

Statement of Solidarity and Support

Peace Boat Philippines
© forumZFD

forumZFD Philippines commends the decision of the Government of the Philippines and the National Democratic Front to restart formal peace negotiations. In the years forumZFD has been working in the Philippines, we have seen firsthand the devastating impact the conflict has had on communities we work with. Thus, we firmly support both parties’ commitment to a “principled and peaceful resolution” in addressing the roots of the conflict. Together with other peace advocates, we find hope in this move to collectively find a nonviolent, approach to the conflict, that address the deep-rooted socioeconomic and political grievances of the people, that can pave the way to a just and lasting peace in the country.

As such, we appreciate both parties’ acknowledgement and recognition of the need for a peace negotiation that can achieve relevant socioeconomic and political reforms necessary to sustain a just and lasting peace in the country. With this in mind, the resumption of peace talks should be designed as an inclusive process that opens up civic space for constructive engagement and help create avenues where affected communities can participate and where victims can seek and attain justice.

We see this as a first step in the right direction, instilling new hope and enthusiasm for the complex and difficult task ahead. As members of the broader civil society, we express our support for the continuation of this process. Through our programs, we will continue to contribute to initiatives and processes that are supportive of a shared vision for a peaceful, just Philippines.

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